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Parts of speech Quiz

eight correct and two incorrect
Cut the soap (250 g) in two, vertically. And on top of one of the two pieces, draw the occlusal surface of the tooth you want to carve and cut excess. Then draw the distal and mesial sides and back cut. And you'll see that the tooth will take shape. Finally, you only have to point out details such as the cingulum or the pit, and rounded edges. Anyway, usually modeling teeth are routinely used in soap and soap scalpel "to patch ", marks as chimbo, lizard etc, claim a color made ​​soap will advise the most darkly colored because it's easier see the forms. I also suggest that while you size. Dolo you review it with a cloth or stiff brush for removing the pieces go waste, and do not do it on a site with too much heat, or soap becomes intractable by the soft.

quoestion marks


CorrectChoose the answer that correctly completes the sentence.

_______announced our German guest Erich.

Your Answer:

"New Orleans is one of the most exciting cities in America,"

The direct quotation requires quotation marks with a comma before the second quotation mark to set off the speaker identification.


CorrectChoose the answer that correctly completes the sentence.

Patrick Henry's ringing announcement _______ is a highly recognized quotation.

Your Answer:

"Give me liberty or give me death!"

This is a direct quotation that is emphatic and needs an exclamation point.


CorrectChoose the answer that correctly completes the sentence.

She declared that _______

Your Answer:

she believes in love at first sight.

This is an indirect quotation and requires no quotation marks.

Parts of speech

Verb 1. My father is play soccer in the camp.

Noun 2. Elisa is a beautiful girl.

Noun 3.The boy is cook to dinner.

Adjective 4.the farmarket is a nice a place.

Adverbs 5.the girl not almost play soccer.

Conjuctions 6.John and Sally built a fish pond.

Interjuctions 7.Oh no it may be possible that you're here.

Pronouns 8.She is my girl my friend.

Prepositions night is very very good.

miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2011

picture of world's strongest beetle
Strongest Creature: Horned Dung Beetle 
lions and tigers 

 the whale is the world's largest animal

searched for some info about whether this really is the biggest boar ever seen, but I couldn’t find anything conclusive. In any case this is one big animal and I bet boars don’t get much larger than this. But like anything else that lives and breathes, it had to be hunted down and killed by “brave” hunters. After all why let it leave peacefully in its environment when we can cut of his head and place it on our trophy wall? Makes perfect sense to me.

Animal world is a something interesting to know. There is many unique fact about them. Some of the uniquest fact about animal, will eksplain below

Which Animal Has the heaviest Brain?

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You might not be surprised to hear that the animal with the biggest brain is also one of the animals with the biggest body.

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